the ecosystem in figures

startups that are connected to the community grow faster and have the opportunity to obtain larger exits.



estimated number of startups in Quebec

entrepreneurship is the top career choice for all 3 major age groups in the Quebec workforce (Entrepreneurial Index, 2020)

Source: Overview Report, 2020


in quebec, around 84% of startups have 9 or fewer employees, and half of these have 3 or fewer.

Source: Overview Report, 2020


69% of startups surveyed from regions outside Montreal have to recruit outside their region.

Source: Enjeux de talent tel que vécus par les startups québécoises report, 2023


47% of startups surveyed in the Montreal area have to recruit from outside their region.

Source: Enjeux de talent tel que vécus par les startups québécoises report, 2023

1881 companies

In Quebec, of the 1,881 companies supported by 67 support players in 2019, 24% were co-founded by at least one woman.

Source: Overview Report, 2020